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Homeopathy Remedies for Headache

Treating Migraine Disease and Headache

Consulting with a Professional Homeopathic Practitioner

Modern homeopaths are open to combining conventional treatments with homeopathic remedies. While the medical community is becoming more aware of the emotional component to disease and pain, homeopathic studies have always considered the notion that our emotional states are in need of relief when we are ill. The ethical homeopathic practitioner will want to know your full medical history and what medications you are currently taking. Also be prepared to answer questions regarding your routine habits such as diet, sleep patterns, physical activity, etc. All of these things are considered during a "holistic evaluation" to help give your homeopathic practitioner the information he needs to suggest a remedy regimen designed uniquely for you.

Self Treatment with Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy is safe and free of side effects and for these reasons can easily be explored without the assistance of a homeopath. If you decide you would like to explore homeopathy as a treatment option on your own choose a remedy that most closely matches the symptoms associated with your Migraine or headache. Dosages are given on the packaging. If you are following the label directions correctly and you experience no improvement within a reasonable time then you may need to stop using it and select a different remedy for testing. Each person's pain and physiology is unique and therefore a remedy that works for one person may not work very well for someone else.

ATTN: CHRONIC SUFFERERS - Consulting with a homeopathy practitioner, rather than attempting self-treatment with homeopathic remedies, is recommended if you suffer from chronic headaches or frequent Migraine episodes.

TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR - Any time you are considering using alternative methods of treatment it is important that you make sure your medical care provider is aware of it.

Homeopathic Remedy Guide For Headaches And Migraine Disease

Remedy / Symptom Indications

Arnica / Headaches resulting from head trauma.

Belladona / Right-sided headaches and migraine. Associated symptoms include throbbing pain, reddened or hot skin, cold feet and hands.

Bryonia alba / Remedy for pulsating throbbing centralized near or into the left eye. Symptoms include early morning headaches and dry mouth, disturbed by noise and movement.

China / Headaches resulting from dehydration, weakness or anemia.

Cimicifuga / Migraine and throbbing headache. Symptoms include headache associated with the menstrual period, stiff neck pain, and feelings of gloom or despair.

Cocculus indicus / Headaches or Migraine resulting from worrisome behavior or insomnia. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.

Cyclamen / Migraine associated with dizziness, blurred or dimmed vision, or eye spasm. Symptoms include earache, dry mouth or thirst, and weakness. Sensitivity to cold or open air. Emotional upsets.

Gelsemium / Symptoms include headache associated with blurred vision, sensation of tight band or vise clamped around skull, frequent urination, and difficulty holding head straight or opening eyes.

Ignatia amara / Ice pick headaches and stress headaches. Symptoms include back or muscle spasms and feelings of grief, disappointment, or sadness. Iris versicolor / Treats headaches or migraine that typically comes during the weekend or during rest periods. Remedy for Migraine with aura.

Lachesis / Left-sided Migraine. Symptoms include congestion, hot flashes, flushed or blotchy skin, and heat intolerance.

Natrium muriaticum / Treats pounding headache pain. Relieves stress-headaches related to eyestrain, too much sun, grief, disappointment, or sadness.

Nux vomica / Treats tension headaches, hangovers, toxic headaches from noise or scents.

Ranunculus bulbosis / Treats headaches triggered by weather change (specifically before storm occurs).

Sanguinaria canadensis / Remedy for headaches that are centralized into the right eye. Symptoms include eyestrain, vomiting, and sharp or splitting head pain.

Sepia / Treats headache centralized in left forehead or above left eye. Symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

Spigelia / Left-sided headaches. Symptoms include heart palpitations or other heart issues, stiff neck and shoulders.

What Is a Migraine?

What is a Migraine? That's partly answered by saying what a Migraine is not. A Migraine is not a headache. Migraine has now been shown to be a genetic neurological disease characterized by flare-ups often called "Migraine attacks."

References and Resources:

Book: Easy Homeopathy written by Edward Shalts, M.D., D.Ht.
Article: Toss The Tylenol, Great Life Magazine, Lauren Feder, M.D.
Web market: Publix.com