The crown chakra is associated with the color violet or white. This chakra, when functioning optimally, allows inner communications with our spiritual nature to flow naturally. When the crown chakra is open, it invites energies from the Universal Life Force. From there, the invited energies can be dispersed proportionally downward into the lower six chakras housed below it. This chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with its petals open to represent spiritual awakening. I view the crown chakra as a bottomless well from which intuitive knowledge can be drawn.
Indicators that the crown chakra is not functioning optimally: Stuck in the past, Faithlessness, Feeling of disconnect from the world in general
Chakracises: Prayer, Meditation |
The brow chakra (aka the third eye) is associated with the color indigo. Our mental calculations and thinking processes are functions of this chakra. Our ability to distinguish reality from fantasy or delusion is connected to the healthfulness of this chakra.
Indicators that the brow chakra is not functioning optimally: Lofty thinking, Paranoia, Poor judgement, False sense of reality
Chakracises: Visualization, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming |
The throat chakra is associated with the color sky-blue. The healthfulness of this chakra is signified by how openly and honestly a person expresses himself or herself. A challenge to the throat chakra is to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Falsehoods and half-truths energetically pollute the throat chakra. Repressing our anger or displeasure by ignoring our feelings through evasive sweet talk, or silence, will manifest into throat imbalances such as strep throat, laryngitis, speech impediments, and so on.
Indicators that the throat chakra is not functioning optimally: Dishonesty, Overt wariness of outside influences, Speaking vulgarities, Biting your tongue (figuratively speaking)
Chakracises: Gargling with salt water, Singing, Screaming |
The heart chakra is associated with the color green. This chakra is considered to be the love center of our human energy system. Among others, love, heartbreak, grief, pain, and fear, are all emotions that are felt intensely within this energy vortex. Learning self-love is a powerful initiative to undertake in order to secure and maintain a healthy heart chakra.
Indicators that the heart chakra is not functioning optimally: Trust issues, Lack of confidence, Depression, Heartbreak
Chakracises: Push Ups, Swimming (breast stroke), Hugging Yourself |
The solar plexus chakra is associated with the color yellow. Our egos and intuitions reside in this space. Our personal self-esteem is reflected by the healthfulness or lack of healthfulness of this chakra. Experiencing difficulty maintaining your personal power likely signifies that your third chakra is damaged or compromised. This intuitive chakra is also the source from which we get those "gut feelings" that signal us to take action or to avoid something. When this chakra is functioning optimally our intuitive skills are enhanced.
Indicators that the solar plexus chakra is not functioning optimally: Feeling overwhelmed or crowded, Ultra-sensitivity, Fearful of life in general
Chakracises: Belly dancing, Doing the Twist, Hoola Hooping |
The sacral chakra is associated with the colors orange and red-orange. This chakra often offers us the opportunity to acknowledge our issues regarding control, especially in relationship with others. A well-functioning second chakra helps a person maintain a healthy yin-yang existence. Although the sacral chakras is primarily considered the sexual center, it is also where individual creativity is birthed from. If you are seeking motivation for a project, focus on charging up this chakra, it will give launch to your ideas.
Indicators that the sacral chakra is not functioning optimally: Sexual dysfunction, Blocked creativity, Feeling of powerlessness
Chakracises: Circular pelvis movements, Pelvic thrusts |
The root chakra is associated with the color red. This chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to grounding energies and empowers our life force. It is through this chakra that the child feels a strong connection with its birth mother and also bonding with its nuclear family. Our survival instincts spring forth through this vortex.
Indicators that the root chakra is not functioning optimally: Confusion, Distraction, Aloofness
Chakracises: Stomping your feet, Marching, Squats |
Our auras are like magnets picking up vibrational energies that are floating around everywhere we go. It is important to cleanse our auras freeing them of foreign vibrations and negative energies.
Indicators that your aura needs cleansing: Fatigue, Shallow breathing, Irritation or agitation, Feeling cornered or boxed in
Chakracises: Shower, Soak in epsom salt bath, Smudge with sage wand, Deep cleansing breaths.